Monday, May 19, 2014

(Indonesia) Hundreds of Thousands Tons of Sugar Java No Practice for Sale

TEMPO.CO, Surabaya - A total of 800 thousand tons of sugar in East Java are unemployed because of the invasion of refined sugar outside Java. According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Sugarcane Farmers Association Arum Sabil, thousands of tons of sugar that is stored in a warehouse without being able to be sold. "Want to be issued to? Markets outside of Java sugar refined sugar that is not filled with the appropriate designation," he said, Monday, April 7, 2014. (Read: 2014, the Year of Bankruptcy National Sugar Industry )

Data East Java said sugar production in 2013 reached 1.25 million tons in East Java contribution to national production which penetrates nearly 50 percent. Cane plantation area in East Java is also the largest with an area of ​​200 thousand hectares and has 32 sugar mills.

Production of 1.25 million tons, East Java consumption only 450 thousand tons. That is, East Java is still a surplus of 800 thousand tons. (Read: Central Java Claims Surplus Sugar)

The residual sugar is usually sold out of Java. But until now the candy was just ngendon in warehouses. Because imports of refined sugar market storming outside Java. Even contraband sugar dominate the modern and traditional markets.

Market operations to address seepage sugar imports Arum has not been adequately recognized. Moreover, if the market is only surgery performed in East Java. According to him, the market operation must be carried out in all parts of Indonesia and conducted by law enforcement officials, the police and prosecutors. In addition, there needs to be a law enforcement to provide a deterrent effect. "If baseball accompanied by law enforcement, futile work. Stay tired."

The sugarcane farmers also collect the application of the East Java Provincial Regulation No. 17 of 2012 to determine the yield of at least 10 percent. Even the yield could be pegged to 12 percent. It turns out that the fact that only 7 percent yield. "We charge that the law No. 17 that baseball is just a paper tiger," said Arum.

APTRI East Java Governor urged to discuss with the President as policy makers. In response, the East Java Governor promised to cooperate with APTRI, unions sugar mills and traders in order to formulate a plan proposed to the problem of sugar and then submitted to the central government. As well as find ways to East Java's iconic sugar is not broken and bankrupt.

"I will seriously take care of, how could not protect domestic production. If only trading (export-import), not the government name," said Soekarwo.

East Java Provincial Government will also continue to conduct thorough market operations in 38 districts / cities. Although East Java had closed the door of imported refined sugar, Soekarwo admit leak is still there. Market operations, said Seokarwo, will remain to be done after the legislative elections.
Refined perk to Market, Farmers Sugar Stacking in Warehouse - See more at:
Refined perk to Market, Farmers Sugar Stacking in Warehouse - See more at:
Refined perk to Market, Farmers Sugar Stacking in Warehouse - See more at:

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