MedanBisnis - Jakarta. Ministry of Commerce (Ministry of Trade) noted, Perum Bulog has realized the import of white sugar (GKP) for household consumption, from Thailand amounted to 27,000 tons, or 8.2% of the permissions granted 328,000 tons.Steps to import a government assignment to Bulog sugar to fill up the government (buffer stock) of 350,000 tons in 2014. |
Based on data from the Ministry of Trade, previously Bulog has absorbed 22,000 tonnes of sugar locally. A total of 12,000 tons is a cooperation contract with PT RNI (Persero) and 10,000 tonnes of them from PTPN XI. Bulog get Import Approval Letter (SPI) for the import of 328,000 tons of sugar.
"The new Bulog imported 27,000 tons from Thailand," said the Director General (DG) of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce Bachrul Chairi when met at the Ministry of Trade Ridwan Rais Road, Jakarta, Friday (16/5). The validity period of Letter of Approval Import (SPI) Bulog expired, the Ministry of Trade to consider extending the validity period of the SPI back until July. This was done to facilitate the realization of residual sugar imports Bulog is still quite large. In the SPI mentioned only given deadline Bulog imported sugar began 1 April 2014 until May 15, 2014. "Until now there has been renewed (IAU Bulog) but we consider to be extended until July 2014. Later dissolution afternoon with a variety of other things about the sugar industry," he added. On the same occasion, Bachrul also mentions the importation of refined sugar (sugar industry) this year certainly much lower than last year. This year the proposed import of refined sugar only 2.9 million tonnes, lower than last year at 3.05 million tonnes. "Imports of refined sugar is smaller than last year. This number could even be much smaller because the audit was conducted for import contracts and recommendation (importers)," he explained. |
Monday, May 19, 2014
Bulog Import 27,000 Tons of White Sugar from Thailand
This reason HPP 2014 Sugar Rise Only Slightly,
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade establishes benchmark prices Farmers
(HPP) Sugar period in 2014 amounted to Rp 8.250/kg in the face of
sugarcane milling season this year. Determination of HPP is poured through the Minister of Trade No.
25/M-DAG/PER/5/2014 dated May 5, 2014 on Reference Price White Crystal
Sugar Growers 2014.
Issuance of the Regulation concerning the establishment of white sugar
by HPP Trade Minister refers to the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 527/MPP/Kep/9/2004. In determining the amount of HPP, Kemendag regard to the proposal of
the Minister of Agriculture as Chairman of the Indonesian Sugar Council
meeting and the result of coordination between agencies / agencies and related associations.
Commerce Minister Muhammad Lutfi explains the determination of crystal white sugar HPP attention to world market conditions."The current world sugar prices are likely to decline, so the retail
price of sugar in the country is currently a high or above the import
parity price.
Determination HPP white sugar that is too high can lead to avoided
because seepage refined sugar and increase the possibility of smuggling,
"he explained, Tuesday (05/06/2014).
Determination of white sugar HPP 2014 and aims to improve the welfare
of farmers' income in an effort to increase production and productivity
of sugarcane fields towards self-sufficiency in the country. "However, HPP is not the only instrument that can support the welfare
of farmers sugar, increase in yield into it is no less important in improve the welfare of farmers, "said the minister.
(Indonesia) Hundreds of Thousands Tons of Sugar Java No Practice for Sale
TEMPO.CO, Surabaya - A total of 800 thousand tons of sugar in East Java are unemployed because of the invasion of refined sugar outside Java.
According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Sugarcane Farmers
Association Arum Sabil, thousands of tons of sugar that is stored in a
warehouse without being able to be sold.
"Want to be issued to? Markets outside of Java sugar refined sugar that
is not filled with the appropriate designation," he said, Monday, April
7, 2014. (Read: 2014, the Year of Bankruptcy National Sugar Industry )
Data East Java said sugar production in 2013 reached 1.25 million tons in East Java contribution to national production which penetrates nearly 50 percent. Cane plantation area in East Java is also the largest with an area of 200 thousand hectares and has 32 sugar mills.
Production of 1.25 million tons, East Java consumption only 450 thousand tons. That is, East Java is still a surplus of 800 thousand tons. (Read: Central Java Claims Surplus Sugar)
The residual sugar is usually sold out of Java. But until now the candy was just ngendon in warehouses. Because imports of refined sugar market storming outside Java. Even contraband sugar dominate the modern and traditional markets.
Market operations to address seepage sugar imports Arum has not been adequately recognized. Moreover, if the market is only surgery performed in East Java. According to him, the market operation must be carried out in all parts of Indonesia and conducted by law enforcement officials, the police and prosecutors. In addition, there needs to be a law enforcement to provide a deterrent effect. "If baseball accompanied by law enforcement, futile work. Stay tired."
The sugarcane farmers also collect the application of the East Java Provincial Regulation No. 17 of 2012 to determine the yield of at least 10 percent. Even the yield could be pegged to 12 percent. It turns out that the fact that only 7 percent yield. "We charge that the law No. 17 that baseball is just a paper tiger," said Arum.
APTRI East Java Governor urged to discuss with the President as policy makers. In response, the East Java Governor promised to cooperate with APTRI, unions sugar mills and traders in order to formulate a plan proposed to the problem of sugar and then submitted to the central government. As well as find ways to East Java's iconic sugar is not broken and bankrupt.
"I will seriously take care of, how could not protect domestic production. If only trading (export-import), not the government name," said Soekarwo.
East Java Provincial Government will also continue to conduct thorough market operations in 38 districts / cities. Although East Java had closed the door of imported refined sugar, Soekarwo admit leak is still there. Market operations, said Seokarwo, will remain to be done after the legislative elections.
Data East Java said sugar production in 2013 reached 1.25 million tons in East Java contribution to national production which penetrates nearly 50 percent. Cane plantation area in East Java is also the largest with an area of 200 thousand hectares and has 32 sugar mills.
Production of 1.25 million tons, East Java consumption only 450 thousand tons. That is, East Java is still a surplus of 800 thousand tons. (Read: Central Java Claims Surplus Sugar)
The residual sugar is usually sold out of Java. But until now the candy was just ngendon in warehouses. Because imports of refined sugar market storming outside Java. Even contraband sugar dominate the modern and traditional markets.
Market operations to address seepage sugar imports Arum has not been adequately recognized. Moreover, if the market is only surgery performed in East Java. According to him, the market operation must be carried out in all parts of Indonesia and conducted by law enforcement officials, the police and prosecutors. In addition, there needs to be a law enforcement to provide a deterrent effect. "If baseball accompanied by law enforcement, futile work. Stay tired."
The sugarcane farmers also collect the application of the East Java Provincial Regulation No. 17 of 2012 to determine the yield of at least 10 percent. Even the yield could be pegged to 12 percent. It turns out that the fact that only 7 percent yield. "We charge that the law No. 17 that baseball is just a paper tiger," said Arum.
APTRI East Java Governor urged to discuss with the President as policy makers. In response, the East Java Governor promised to cooperate with APTRI, unions sugar mills and traders in order to formulate a plan proposed to the problem of sugar and then submitted to the central government. As well as find ways to East Java's iconic sugar is not broken and bankrupt.
"I will seriously take care of, how could not protect domestic production. If only trading (export-import), not the government name," said Soekarwo.
East Java Provincial Government will also continue to conduct thorough market operations in 38 districts / cities. Although East Java had closed the door of imported refined sugar, Soekarwo admit leak is still there. Market operations, said Seokarwo, will remain to be done after the legislative elections.
perk to Market, Farmers Sugar Stacking in Warehouse - See more at:
perk to Market, Farmers Sugar Stacking in Warehouse - See more at:
perk to Market, Farmers Sugar Stacking in Warehouse - See more at:
Indonesian sugar production in 2014 Predicted to Rise
Surabaya (East Java Reuters) - Production of the national sugar cane milling results in 2014 is predicted to increase from last year, despite the uncertainty of the climate and the price of sugar in the country is still looming.
Senior Advisor to the Indonesian Sugar Association (AGI) Adig Suwandi when contacted in Jakarta, Tuesday, milled sugarcane productivity suggests the possibility of a little down time, but the yield (sugar cane) is estimated to rise although not as high as in 2012.
"From the compilation assessed in March 2014 in all sugar mills, shows the areas of sugarcane cultivation reached 472,792 hectares, the amount of 26,182,325 tons and milled cane sugar produced approximately 2,927,486 tons," he said.
The projected 76.5 tons of sugarcane productivity perhektare, with yield 8.09 percent and 6.2 tons perhektare crystal.
"If the production of sugar as much as it can be realized, practical Indonesia in 2014 has been able to cover all the needs of the sugar consumption independently, assuming a national requirement of 2.6 million tonnes," added Adig.
If there is a correction of about 5-10 per cent, up Adig, sugar production would still equal 2.6 million-2, 78 million tons. "The number is also still within safe limits for self-sufficiency," said Adig which also Corporate Secretary of PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero).
However, Adig adding that the local sugar producers hope the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) continues to provide information about the development and climate change in order to keep an accurate prediction of production that can be obtained, while making efforts to improve internal cultivation improvement in the remaining time available and manufacturing efficiencies.
Data Indonesian Sugar Council (DGI) noted centers of sugar production is still concentrated in Java, with details of the total area of 305 302 hectares of sugarcane cultivation, the amount of milled cane sugar produced 23,381,748 tons and 1,870,890 tons.
While outside Java, the area under sugarcane cultivation around 157 490 hectares, the amount of milled cane sugar produced 22,800,577 tons and 1,056,596 tons.
Adig Suwandi said in a historical area of the sugar mills, especially in Java, the area under sugarcane is estimated to decrease due to a less favorable sugar prices and unfavorable relative milled during 2013.
"Some farmers not to expand the cultivation area. Cane Even if there are still manageable, mostly from keprasan which is the level of maintenance to be less expensive, at least do not have to buy the seeds," he said.
At the coordination meeting in Surabaya sugar SOE some time earlier, State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan asked SOEs engaged in the sugar sector to improve its performance so that the production of sugar in the milling season in 2014 could rise to 1.8 million tons.
"Sugar production in 2013 compared to stagnate in 2012. We want sugar production rose in 2014, should rise substantially," he said.
In the milling season in 2013, the production of sugar produced from sugar mills owned SOEs approximately 1.5 million. One of the SOEs that contribute the highest national sugar production is PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero) with a total of 485,000 tons.
Dahlan Iskan admits no optimal production of sugar in 2013 because it was overshadowed climate anomaly, which is characterized by prolonged rain since the beginning until towards the end of the milling season.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Madura is set to become Indonesia`s largest sugar-producing area
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Known for a long time as a salt-producing area in Indonesia, the island of Madura in East Java province is now set to become the largest sugar-producing center in the country.
For Indonesians, Madura is known as the island of salt. Early last year, the local government planned to set up a salt institute in Pamekasan district.
Researcher at the Marine Study Center at Trunojoyo University in Bangkalan, Moh Mahfud said the institute would be set up in cooperation with the university to function as a national salt research center.
He said the government has identified a four-hectare plot of land for setting up the salt institute to increase salt production on Madura island, particularly in the Pamekasan district.
The company PT Garam, headquartered in Surabaya, which is the capital of East Java province, is the only state-owned firm producing and marketing salt.
The company has 5.7 thousand hectares of land in the districts of Sumenep, Pamekasan and Sampang on Madura island, used for salt production. In addition, the island is set to become the largest sugar-producing center in Indonesia.
"Madura is known as a salt-producing area, but now, it has greater economic prospects in becoming the largest sugar-producing center in the country," Indonesian Sugarcane Plantation Research Center (P3GI) spokesman Aris Toharisman said in Surabaya on Monday.
Aris noted that a recent study has indicated that Madura island has 250 thousand hectares that can be used for sugarcane plantation and to construct 10 new sugar factories, each with a capacity of milling 10 thousand tons of sugarcane per day.
"Today, there are around 200 thousand hectares of sugarcane plantation in East Java with 31 factories capable of producing 1.2 million tons of sugar per year," he said.
He added that Madura can become an industrial sugar center. The sugar mills can be integrated with a sugarcane-based industrial complex producing bio-ethanol, electricity, paper, organic fertilizers, animal feed and other commercial products.
According to him, the integration can be achieved on Madura Island because the average milling capacity of each sugar mill in Java is only 3.5 thousand tons of sugarcane per day, which is not enough to meet the sugar demand.
"Madura currently has 1,500 hectares of sugarcane plantations. This year we hope to increase it by 4,000 hectares because it is supported by the land development program and the State Budget funds," Aris said.
He pointed out that a new sugar mill will be built in Madura in 2016, and the sugarcane plantation area is predicted to increase by 10 thousand hectares.
In an effort to tap the sugarcane potential in Madura, sugar producing company PT Perkebunan Negara X (PTPN X) plans to build an integrated sugar mill in 2014.
The Companys President Director Sudibyo was quoted by the Jakarta Globe as saying that PTPN X is also expanding the area under sugar plantation in Madura to 3.5 thousand hectares over the next two years.
He noted that after the plantation area reaches 3,500 hectares, the company will start building a sugar processing plant with a production capacity of 6,000 metric tons per day.
According to him, the plant will also produce bio-ethanol which can be used as a fuel additive, organic fertilizers derived from sugarcane waste and 25 megawatts of electricity.
Compared to Java islands potential of sugarcane plantation, Madura is more promising because it has adequate infrastructure support such as roads, ports, electricity, communication lines and the Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu) bridge.
Extending 5.4 kilometers over the narrow strait of Madura, the Suramadu bridge is the longest in Indonesia and connects the islands of Madura and Java. It is a combination of three types of bridges, with overall length of 5.4 thousand meters with a width of approximately 30 meters.
This two-way, eight-lane bridge, each lane being 3.5 meters wide, has two 2.75-meter-wide emergency lanes also. It also has a special outer lane for motorists on either side, the Flyover Causeway Road overpass or a bridge that connects the road through shallow waters on both sides. This flyover has 36 spans over 1.4 thousand meters on the side of Surabaya and 45 spans over 1.8 thousand meters on the side of Madura.
A magnificent island with so much to offer, Madura has great potential to become a tourist hub in the coming years. It has great roads, most of them being renovated for a smoother ride and for investors to turn the island into the largest sugar-producing center in Indonesia.
For Indonesians, Madura is known as the island of salt. Early last year, the local government planned to set up a salt institute in Pamekasan district.
Researcher at the Marine Study Center at Trunojoyo University in Bangkalan, Moh Mahfud said the institute would be set up in cooperation with the university to function as a national salt research center.
He said the government has identified a four-hectare plot of land for setting up the salt institute to increase salt production on Madura island, particularly in the Pamekasan district.
The company PT Garam, headquartered in Surabaya, which is the capital of East Java province, is the only state-owned firm producing and marketing salt.
The company has 5.7 thousand hectares of land in the districts of Sumenep, Pamekasan and Sampang on Madura island, used for salt production. In addition, the island is set to become the largest sugar-producing center in Indonesia.
"Madura is known as a salt-producing area, but now, it has greater economic prospects in becoming the largest sugar-producing center in the country," Indonesian Sugarcane Plantation Research Center (P3GI) spokesman Aris Toharisman said in Surabaya on Monday.
Aris noted that a recent study has indicated that Madura island has 250 thousand hectares that can be used for sugarcane plantation and to construct 10 new sugar factories, each with a capacity of milling 10 thousand tons of sugarcane per day.
"Today, there are around 200 thousand hectares of sugarcane plantation in East Java with 31 factories capable of producing 1.2 million tons of sugar per year," he said.
He added that Madura can become an industrial sugar center. The sugar mills can be integrated with a sugarcane-based industrial complex producing bio-ethanol, electricity, paper, organic fertilizers, animal feed and other commercial products.
According to him, the integration can be achieved on Madura Island because the average milling capacity of each sugar mill in Java is only 3.5 thousand tons of sugarcane per day, which is not enough to meet the sugar demand.
"Madura currently has 1,500 hectares of sugarcane plantations. This year we hope to increase it by 4,000 hectares because it is supported by the land development program and the State Budget funds," Aris said.
He pointed out that a new sugar mill will be built in Madura in 2016, and the sugarcane plantation area is predicted to increase by 10 thousand hectares.
In an effort to tap the sugarcane potential in Madura, sugar producing company PT Perkebunan Negara X (PTPN X) plans to build an integrated sugar mill in 2014.
The Companys President Director Sudibyo was quoted by the Jakarta Globe as saying that PTPN X is also expanding the area under sugar plantation in Madura to 3.5 thousand hectares over the next two years.
He noted that after the plantation area reaches 3,500 hectares, the company will start building a sugar processing plant with a production capacity of 6,000 metric tons per day.
According to him, the plant will also produce bio-ethanol which can be used as a fuel additive, organic fertilizers derived from sugarcane waste and 25 megawatts of electricity.
Compared to Java islands potential of sugarcane plantation, Madura is more promising because it has adequate infrastructure support such as roads, ports, electricity, communication lines and the Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu) bridge.
Extending 5.4 kilometers over the narrow strait of Madura, the Suramadu bridge is the longest in Indonesia and connects the islands of Madura and Java. It is a combination of three types of bridges, with overall length of 5.4 thousand meters with a width of approximately 30 meters.
This two-way, eight-lane bridge, each lane being 3.5 meters wide, has two 2.75-meter-wide emergency lanes also. It also has a special outer lane for motorists on either side, the Flyover Causeway Road overpass or a bridge that connects the road through shallow waters on both sides. This flyover has 36 spans over 1.4 thousand meters on the side of Surabaya and 45 spans over 1.8 thousand meters on the side of Madura.
A magnificent island with so much to offer, Madura has great potential to become a tourist hub in the coming years. It has great roads, most of them being renovated for a smoother ride and for investors to turn the island into the largest sugar-producing center in Indonesia.
INDONESIA: Government to punish illegal sugar imports
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
source :
sThe government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The government will strictly punish sugar importers leaking refined sugar into the consumer market following a recent sugar audit, according to Indonesia's Jakarta Post newspaper.
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
The Trade Ministry's director general for domestic trade, Srie Agustina, said on Friday that the punishment, which would come by way of cutting import allocation on importers, would be imposed in the second half of this year.
"We will release the figure after we get an assessment of sugar needs from the Industry Ministry," Srie told reporters at her office.
The government found 110,799 tonnes of refined sugar leaked into the end-consumer market in 15 provinces last year, causing a dip in domestic sugar price. That compared to 398,044 tonnes found in last audit in 2011.
Indonesia imported 3.02 million tonnes of sugar last year, and around 2.85 million tonnes had already been delivered as of Nov. 30.
- See more at:
Monday, May 12, 2014
Indonesia. Sugar Annual. Apr 2014
Report Highlights:
is expected to produce 33.7 million metric tons (MMT) of sugarcane in
marketing year (MY) 2013/14, resulting in production of 2.3 MMT of
plantation white sugar. Raw sugar imports are estimated to increase to 3.6 MMT in MY 2013/14 due to demand from a growing food and beverage industry.
of Indonesia (GOI) sugar policy divides the domestic sugar market into
three categories: plantation white sugar for home consumption, raw sugar for domestic sugar refining, and refined sugar for the local food and beverage industry.
MY 2013/14, Post expects Indonesia will produce 2.3 MMT of plantation
white sugar, similar to MY 2012/13. Indonesian raw sugar imports are
expected to increase to 3.6 MMT in MY 2013/14. Higher demand from the
domestic food and beverage industry
for specialty refined sugars increased refined sugar/plantation white
sugar imports to 185,000 MT (raw sugar equivalent) in MY 2013/14.
Refined/plantation white sugar imports in MY 2014/15 are estimated to
decline to 100,000 MT of raw sugar equivalent. This estimate is based on
the assumption that the GOI will not import any plantation white sugar
as domestically produced plantation white sugar will meet domestic
demand. Refined sugar can only be imported by the food and beverage
industry. In CY 2013, the GOI authorized imports for 98,578 MT of
refined sugar. As of December 2013 a total of 89,400 MT of refined sugar
has actually landed in the country.
Despite production growth in MY 2012/13, the May 2012 plantation white sugar floor price increase
to Rp. 8,100/ kg ($716/MT) pushed up retail prices of plantation white
sugar. In CY 2013, retail prices of plantation white sugar ranged from
Rp. 13,200/kg ($1,167/MT) in January 2013 to Rp. 12,400/kg ($1,096/MT)
in October and December 2013.
produces plantation white sugar from sugarcane, primarily produced for
direct human consumption. Indonesia also produces refined sugar from
imported raw sugar, which is generally used for processing by the food
and beverage industries.
Based on
the latest data from the GOI and industry, Post revised MY 2012/13
Indonesian sugar cane production to 28.7 MMT. Favorable weather led to a
high recovery rate of 8 percent, while high auction and retail prices
for farmers’ plantation white sugar provided incentives for farmers to
grow sugar cane. A total of 420,000 hectares were planted with sugarcane
in MY 2012/13, a 12 percent increase from the previous estimate of
375,000 hectares. The area expansion occurred in Central Java, Lampung,
and South Sulawesi. Based on a higher planted area and recovery rate,
Post revised MY 2012/13 Indonesian plantation white sugar production to
2.3 MMT compared to the previous estimate of 1.97 MMT.
remained high during CY 2013. However, Indonesia experienced a long
rainy season that lasted through July 2013. Rains resulted in flowering,
long sugarcane stalks, difficulties loading harvested sugarcane, and
lower yields. Given these factors, Post estimates that MY 2013/14 sugar
cane planted area will reach 460,000 hectares and produce approximately
33.7 MMT of sugar cane. MY 2013/14 Indonesian plantation white sugar
production is estimated to remain at 2.3 MMT due to a lower recovery
rate. The total area planted to sugarcane is forecasted to remain stable
at 460,000 hectares in MY 2014/15 when factoring land conversion to
non-agricultural uses on Java and new plantings on other islands. Sugar
cane production is also expected to remain constant at 33.7 MMT in MY
The Indonesian Meteorology,
Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan
Geofisika, BMKG) reported in January 2014 that twin tropical storms
were developing in the eastern part of the Philippines Sea and near
Darwin, Australian. Although summer has started in the southern
hemisphere, low pressure remains in the eastern Philippines. BMKG expressed concerns
that if low pressure continues, it will reduce the prevailing wind
pattern flowing from Asia across Indonesia to Australia, leading to
another El Nino phenomenon during Indonesia’s 2014 dry season. El Nino
may reduce sugar cane production by prolonging the dry season and
reducing rainfall. Indonesia’s 2014 rainy season is still ongoing, with
sufficient rainfall. Normally, the rainy season lasts from October to
April, while the dry season takes up the remaining months.
the possibility of an El Nino phenomenon by the middle of 2014, MY
2014/15 sugar concentrations are estimated above MY 2013/14 levels. Post
expects MY 2014/15 Indonesian plantation white sugar production to
reach 2.5 MMT. High prices for plantation white sugar and an increased recovery rate will incentivize farmers to grow sugarcane.
The MY 2013/14 milling period started in North Sumatera in February 2014, followed by sugar mills
in Lampung and in Gorontalo in April. Sugar mills on Java are expected
to start milling by May. The milling period is expected to last longer,
possibly stretching into January 2015. The MY 2014/15 milling period is
estimated to be shorter than MY 2013/14. A shorter milling period will
lead to a higher recovery rate, (7.4 percent in MY 2014/15 compared to
6.8 percent in MY 2013/14). The target rate may be hampered by poor
recovery rate analysis, poor harvest management, sugarcane
transportation problems, and the limited capacity of older machines some
There are 48 sugar mills located on Java, accounting for
63 percent of Indonesian white sugar production in MY 2012/13. The
balance is produced by 14 sugar mills outside of Java, primarily in
Sumatra. Indonesian sugar mills may increase sugarcane production
capacity by adopting new planting patterns, using higher quality
varieties, and by better timing harvests to increase recovery rates.
sugar refineries are growing. Three new players have entered the
market, bringing the total to eleven sugar refineries producing from
imported raw sugar. The 2013 combined output of these facilities was
approximately 5 MMT, while operating at 70 to 75 percent of total
capacity. Robust growth of the Indonesian food and beverage industry
will incentivize refineries to expand sugar production, although
Presidential Regulation No. 36/2010 (Negative Investment List)
requires new and expanding sugar refineries to create new sugarcane
plantations in order to supply the new capacity. It also stated that any
new sugar mill with an installed capacity of more than 8,000 MT of Cane
per Day must also produce raw sugar. This regulation may curb the
expansion of Indonesia’s sugar industry.
MY 2013/14 sugar consumption is estimated to increase to 5.7 MMT based on 1.4 percent population growth
and growing demand from the food and beverage industry, (the consumer
of 3.036 MMT of refined sugar in CY 2013). Post expects consumption will
continue increasing to 5.9 MMT in MY 2014/2015. Direct human
consumption is estimated at 2.8 MMT, while the food and beverage
industry uses the balance. Indonesian per capita sugar consumption in CY
2013 is estimated at 22 kg. Post revised MY 2012/13 Indonesian sugar
consumption up to 5.4 MMT based on GOI and Industry data.
June 14, 2013, the Indonesian Minister of Trade announced that the
floor price for plantation white sugar would remain unchanged at Rp.
8,100/kg ($716/MT), based on a recommendation from DGI. The GOI has
expressed its intentions to change the plantation white sugar floor
price for MY 2014/15 and is currently calculating plantation white sugar
production costs. Despite production growth in MY 2012/13, the May 2012
plantation white sugar floor price increase from Rp. 7000/kg ($619/MT)
to Rp. 8,100/ kg ($716/MT) pushed up retail prices of plantation white
to the increase of plantation white sugar production, and an increase
of both refined and raw sugar imports, MY 2013/14 ending stocks are
expected to grow to 1.3 MMT compared to 879,000 MT in the previous MY
2012/13. Post estimates these levels will increase to 1.6 MMT in MY
2014/15 due to an estimated increase of raw sugar imports.
a regulated commodity, white sugar can only be imported by registered
importers. Registered importers must also be sugar producers and are
required to produce at least 75 percent of their white sugar from
Indonesian-grown sugarcane. Raw sugar can only be imported by processors
that will use it for their own refining, while refined sugar may be
imported by food processors for their own production. Also, whenever it
deems necessary, the GOI can grant sugar mills permission to import raw
sugar for white sugar production, provided that it is used to meet any
idle capacity due to domestic cane production shortfalls.
GOI expects the food and beverage industry to consume domestically
produced refined sugar, although it also permits some imports, normally
issuing import allocations at the beginning of the year.
allocations are subject to change when certain sugar products cannot be
sourced domestically. The GOI limits the validity of refined sugar
import permits to six months for the food and beverage industry.
CY 2013, Indonesian sugar refineries imported a total of 2.882 MMT of
raw sugar that must be refined and distributed to the domestic food and
beverage industry. In CY 2014, the GOI authorized 1.8 MMT of raw sugar
imports for sugar refineries, monosodium glutamate producers, and sugar
mills to meet idle capacity. In addition, the GOI also authorized 19,000
MT of refined sugar imports for the food and beverage industry. Due to
higher production of plantation white sugar, the GOI did not import any
plantation white sugar in CY 2013. Imports of plantation white sugar are
prohibited one month prior to, during, and two months after the milling
The GOI authorized the
Indonesian National Logistics Agency (Badan Urusan Logistik, BULOG) to
procure 350,000 MT of domestic or imported sugar in December 2013. This
action was taken to maintain stable prices. The Chairman of BULOG has
stated that the agency will prioritize domestic procurement.
imported approximately 174,000 MT of refined sugar and 3,122,000 MT of
raw sugar in MY 2012/13. The primary refined sugar suppliers were
Thailand (40 percent), Malaysia (20 percent), and an additional 33
percent transshipped through Singapore. Raw sugar was supplied by Brazil
(53 percent) and Thailand (45 percent). Indonesia imports most of its
sugar from Thailand due to freight advantage, and because Thailand can
meet Indonesia’s unique specifications “Indospec.”
Minister of Trade issued a regulation stating that white “Indospec”
sugar may be imported if domestic white sugar production cannot meet
demand. Sugar imports are prohibited one month prior to the milling
season, during the milling season, and two months after the milling
season. Registered sugar importers are required to support sugar prices
should mill prices fall below Rp. 8,100/kg ($841/MT). Importers support
prices through sugarcane purchases in cooperation with a third party
that has secured a permit from the local Association of Sugarcane
source :
Indonesian Sugar Association Calls for Higher HPP
The Indonesian Sugar Association (AGI) has called on the government to rise the farmer’s buying price
(HPP) for sugar to Rp8,500 per kilogram. “It will serve as a guarantee
from the government that farmers will get reasonable prices to produce
sugarcane,” AGI executive director Tito Pranoloh told Tempo on Monday, April 28, 2014.
Tito said the government had yet to increase the HPP for sugar since
2012 and it was currently still pegged at Rp8,100 per kilogram. He added
the government even set the HPP for sugar as low as Rp7,000 per
kilogram in 2011.
Tito said the proposal to increase the HPP for sugar was triggered by multiple reasons, among them the higher production costs such as land rental rates, fertilizer and transport. He added it would take around Rp15-20 million to harvest a hectare of sugarcane field.
In addition, Tito said, the government must also consider the global sugar prices when determining the HPP for sugar.
Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi, meanwhile, said he had listened to
suggestions from all parties at the National Sugar Council prior to
setting the new HPP for sugar. “It will be announced soon, probably next
week,” he said.
source :
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